Child Protection / Child Neglect
According to UNICEF, child protection refers to a broad term to describe philosophies, policies, standards, guidelines and procedures to protect children from both intentional and unintentional harm. In the current context, it applies particularly to the duty of organizations - and individuals associated with those organizations - towards children in their care.
CWIN Nepal
Established in 1989, CWIN’s National Resource Centre was the first of its kind in Nepal. It has become very popular among different users with its coverage on child rights, child labour, trafficking, human rights, women’s rights, the environment, anthropology, and sociology. It maintains information on one hundred and fifty child related issues and publishes fact-sheets which cover a wide range of child related information for public dissemination.
Click the link below
National Plan of action for Children, 2004
Author:Ministry of women, children and social welfare.
Child protection policy
Author:Child action nepal